Plastic Surgery in Sacramento & Granite Bay
Plastic Surgery Patient Results

Our facial plastic surgery patients have a wide variety of concerns. It may be that their nose is too big, their eyes are too droopy, or their chin is too small. All of these features can be improved. So, rather than being self-conscious about them, you are proud to show them off.

Cosmetic breast surgery addresses and enhances that quintessential feature of femininity. With the use of either saline or silicone implants, Dr. Scott Green is able to improve the size, shape and appearance of the female form through breast augmentation.
Plastic Surgery Office Locations

Sacramento Office
95 Scripps Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 909-1775
Granite Bay Office
8723 Sierra College Blvd.
Granite Bay, CA 95746
(916) 471-2551